Kamwe Snapshots (73-74)

Below is a beautiful collection of Kamwe photos that I hope you enjoy. The photos were taken nearly fifty years ago, when I was a young man living among the Kamwe and working on the translation of the New Testament in their language (1968-74). The photography and comments are the work of my friend Jean-Paul Becker, a Swiss graphic artist who visited me in the village.

The collection portrays the daily life of the Kamwe, but it also tells the fascinating story of the coming of the gospel in the early 1950s and gives a brief account of the work of Bible translation in the language.

After years of work, we are now just a few months away from the typesetting of the entire Kamwe Bible. But before the Bible can be printed, Kamwe Christians must raise the daunting amount of over $146,000 — their half of the cost of printing 30,000 copies. (Wycliffe Bible Translators is raising the other half.). If you would like to help the Kamwe church meet this urgent need with a gift, please follow these instructions:

Go to: www.SIL.org

Choose: “Donate: online”

Select: “Specific Project”

Add Comment: “for Scripture publication #4633, Kamwe Bible”

Fill out: data requested

And if you wouldn’t mind letting me know the amount of the gift, that would help me keep track of things.

Thanks so much!
